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Individuals - Douglas Larkins

Artist workshop founders Doug Larkins John Sinclair George Tysh Robin Eichele

Upon arriving in Detroit, I had the good fortune to lodge at 45 Colorado, which was a den of Corridorites. One of these inmates was Douglas Larkins. A quiet and thoughtful individual, it was only years after moving in, while visiting the Detroit Institute of Arts with Doug to see the "Kick out the Jams" exhibition, that I looked up and saw a giant photograph including poet Doug Larkins prominently displayed that I learned Doug was one of the founding members of the Artist's Workshop. Formed in the early 60's the workshop was to have a profound impact on the Detroit art scene, setting the pattern for cultural revolution and influencing the generation of artists that were to follow. A true Renaissance man, apart from being an outstanding poet, Doug was also an accomplished Mu Duk Kwan black belt and an expert ornithologist; I never met anyone who knew more about bird species.
Doug spent seven years in Rochester, N.Y. practicing Zen, and states that it was one of the most rewarding things that ever happened to him.

Doug was generally accepted as one of the most renowned Cass Corridor poets of this era. He continues to write poetry to this day (2014).


Mu Duk Kwan: Jim Expose in airJim Joredan

Mu Duk Kwan: Mark Gold, Douglas Larkins

Pictures contributed by Douglas Larkins