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Front Pages 2011

Mu Duk Kwan Tribe
Late 1960's - early 70's
Mu Duk Kwan practice

Picture contributed by Douglas Larkins



Artist workshop founders Doug Larkins George Tysh John Sinclair Robin Eichele

Picture contributed by Douglas Larkins

CorridorTribe is sad to report that Harry Schnurr passed away 04/20/11
Apparently he was on his way to CCS when he suffered a heart attack,
and was declared dead at the emergency ward.

place your remembrances here


02/12/11 - Art Show @ the Cass Cafe. Selections from the collection of Alan & Carol Schaerges. Opening reception was Feb 12th, here are an assortment of pictures from the opening.Allan
Allan Scheargus @ the Cass Cafe

gerrardGary Eleinko informs us that CCS artist Bill Girard has passed away:
WILLIAM J., JR. Age 70, February 5, 2011. Beloved son of Lillian Girard. Loving father of Inga Girard-Stickel and Christopher Girard. Dear gran - father of Magan, Bonnie and Max. Dear brother of John Girard. A great artist in the tradition of the Old Masters. Loved by his family, many friends and the many animals he took care of. A 
private Memorial Service will be held at a later date. Memorial contributions may be directed to the Michigan Humane Society.

If you have any remembrances of Bill, take a moment to place them here on CorridorTribe

Art Luttrell, Corridor artist passes away, February 8th, 2011

Background: Kelly, Sean, and Art Lutrell. Foreground: Bruce Lutrell and lifetime friend Nick Nagey

I have just leared from sons Sean and Kelly Luttrell that friend and Corridor Artist Art Lutrell passed away.
Details to follow as I receive them.
If you would like to share your remembrances, please post them here

02/12/11 - Art Show @ the Cass Cafe. Alan & Carol Schaerges collection. Opening reception was Feb 12th, here are an assortment of pictures from the opening.

Art exhibition of tried'n true Corridorites:
Hello Again! A Painting Show. Opening reception and party this Saturday, February 5, 7PM @ Skipper's Hamtown Bar. Paintings by Betty Brownlee, Lila Kadaj, Gilda Snowden and Tricia Soderberg. WWW.SKIPPERSHAMTOWN.COM

It's all the fashion - a ready-poured Detroit documentary. Some cool dudes, a Detroit-made convertible - and cruise around the ruins...

Johnny Knoxville: Detroit Lives 


Requiem for Detroit





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