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Willis Tribe, Late Period - 1981-97?
(See also Willis Tribe, Early Period & Avalon Bakery)

Gilda Snowdon outside the Willis, 1984 -  Picture compliments Sheree RenselAfter the Willis Gallery had moved to the Fisher Building and Jackie Feigenson had dissolved the Willis Gallery Co-op, the original building lay empty, apart from the Bastard Gallery Exhibition, 1978 and the "Detroit Book of the Dead" Exhibition in1980
New blood started the gallery up again in 1981. This second wind - I like to refer to it as the Willis Tribe Late Period - was less elite, more diverse and longer lasting than the first manifestation. Countless artists and curators got their first start during this period, with each year bringing a new Director onto the stage. The Gallery lasted until 1997, when the Avalon Bakery took over the building.


Art Directors & Shows:

Shirley Parish - 1981- 82

Tricia (Patricia) Soderberg  1982-83

Gilda Snowden - 1983-84 
List of Artists who were exhibiting while she was Art Director if the Willis.  

Sheree Rensel - 1984-85

Click here for a link to posters that were produced during Sheree's tenure.

Gary Eleinko - 1986

Gary Zych - 1987
Jim Pallas says, "I did a show called "Hearts and Vanity" at the WIllis in 1987."

Mike Mikolowski - 1992

Matthew Hanna in - 1993
Mary Fortuna says "Matthew was the one who did the first of the Box shows."
Mary Fortuna says, "I had a show with Dave Roberts in November 1993, - Terrors of the Flesh

Anne Lemanski in - 1994

Mike McGillis in - 1995
Mary Fortuna says, "I had a show with Robert Taormina in July 1995 - Memory Lapse/The Event Horizon

Robert Taormina in - 1996

Any other Directors?

Known tribe members:



Willis Gallery Posters on Matthew Hanna's website