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No Brand Tribe - 1982-86

Poster courtesy of Art Luttrell

As with the Propeller Tribe, its foundations can be found in the emerging of young talent from the Center of Creative Studies (Now College of Creative Studies). Their energy rapidly became the magnet for other artists who were tired of the status quo in the art scene.
The name - No Brand Tribe - stems from a series of art exhibitions called "No Brand Shows" that some of the tribe members put together. The core group began to drift away after a while, and many of its members dispersed to Boston, Chicago and New York, although a significant number of them still stay in touch with one another.

As if to illustrate this, Bruce Luttrell  - now living in the Chicago Suburbs - and Nick Nagey, living in the country near Ann Arbor, got together and had a show at the Cass cafe in the Cass Corridor in October of 2003. Here are some pictures taken during the show.

Here are a list of known exhibitions: