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Cpop Gallery 1998-2009

Compared with other contemporary gallery tribes, C Pop presents a lavish, glitzy appearance, complete with polished floors and a designed look. Though many local artists initially saw the C Pop as  Johnny-come-lately, it has doggedly persisted, putting on great shows and parties for the in-crowd.

The C-Pop Gallery did not appear out of nowhere. It was hatched in the minds of Rick Manore and Michael Lask many years ago. Rick and Mike were dedicated to Detroit artists long before they opened the current gallery. Their initial commitment was to music poster artists such as myself, Mark Arminski and Cleveland artist Derek Hess, but they smartly realized that this was only the tip of the iceberg, that there was a new art movement that was not centered around, but included, music posters.
Rick and Mike were advocates of my work and always treated me with good business and lots of respect. I sure respect them. Living in California for the last 12 years I am not completely up to date with C-Pop, but I know it is a nationally respected gallery that Detroit should be proud of. 

Gary Grimshaw

More information on the Cpop Gallery demise is to be found on the Detroityes forum.

Susie Pilzninski - sitting at reception

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