They worked at Alvin's -
One fine day - it must have
been sometime in the early 80's - Barnie
Surowitz sidled up to me as I was getting my daily dose of salad and
"Steve," He said, keeping his voice down and looking around,
"How would you like to work at Alvin's?"

"Sunday morning at Alvins"
I felt honored that he would ask me, and for a brief flash of a second, I
actually considered it, but I had just sold my house in England and flush
with cash, had no good reason to actually work for a living, so I politely
turned him down, thereby forfeiting my chance at immortality of a sorts; to
be an honored member of the Alvin's elite, the folks who worked behind the
Here then, are comments by those so honored, together with a list of said

Photo by Susan Wahl of years of Alvin's Crews
taken at my opening at the Cass Cafe 9/99 Alvin's son Jeff Stillman
was a little kid when I first worked for Alvin in 1971, the first
of 4-5 times I worked there through 1983 when I left for Maine the
first time with the intent of moving. That I know you have me and
Boswell as the oldest employees, Joe groppuso Tony Bitinti Carlos
Grady Bob Cerrito Laura Bommarito Jerry Rosanski, Deb King Sandy
Tim McGuire David Kelly Tony Williams(sneaking into picture) and I
don't know the guy with the goatee or remember the woman in the
back rows name due to brain damage.

Bill Vreeland's last day in his tenure at Alvin's
Finer Delicatessen
Picture and text
Compliments of Theresa Herron
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