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See also, Shadowfax pictures by Dennis Pruss, uploaded 2008

The in-house band of Alvins Twilight Bar, their energy and sound had a profound influence on a plethora of emerging musicians and rock groups from that era, including The Layabouts.

Shadowfax standing outside the New Miami 1978
Bill Hodgson, David Chambers, David Opatik, George Korinek

Picture, compliments to Mike Roper
See also related picture

Left to Right: Dave Opatik, Al "Shakey Al" Wernecken (background)  Billy Landless, Bill "Willy" Vreeland, George "Sweet Corn" Korniek, Bill "Beer Bottle Slim" Hodgson and John Kearney.
In the crowd: Susan Fraser and ( In front of Susan) Tom Mieczkowski

Picture compliments to Willy Vreeland

The years that followed the Nixon debacle and the Regan Administration were for the Cass Corridor Nation golden, and the "New Miami Lounge" was the mother lode.
With a dozen or so venues to choose from, those of us with a Rock & Roll, Blues, Jazz, Rythemn & Blues or Performance Act were rarely without work.
"Shadowfax" was at the top of the heap. Whenever they played the house was full, especially the dance floor.
The photo above was taken at the "New Miami (Cass Ave, between Alexandrine & Selden Streets.) on New Years Eve, 1978/79
Featured were "Shadowfax and "The Detroit Skates, all great entertainers. Sadly, four the seven men in this photo have to date died (2004)
So, out of respect, nostalga and love I submit this photograph for your archive and for "Auld Lang Syne"!

Willy Vreeland