Peppered throughout the city were the
rentals and communes that Corridor Tribe members hang out in. These
folks stalked the Corridor during day and night, but retired to
outer fringes when it came to taking a break. I had the fortune of
living in such a location, commonly referred to as the Colorado
Commune. Located at 45 Colorado, it was initially a rental until the
early 1980's, then it was purchased by one of the commune members,
Lowell Boileau. It remained a commune until
1978, then the last
member - that would be me - left to live on Forrest in the Corridor.
Lowell married and lived in the house with his wife Susan Kramer and
their son, Nicholas Boileau until 2000, when they moved to

Colorado Commune, Salad Days -
Striped T-Shirt, Bill Hodgson,
In front of him, Lowell Boileau.
Sitting by table, artist Jack Ward. Poet Doug Larkins, to the right,
perhaps Bernadette Marashevski?
- Last name now Groppuso. Sorry - don't know the other folk.
Kramer writes:
I moved in then married. During Nic's
babyhood we invited Caroline Thackera to live with us when we where
2 broke painters & she needed a place to land after her divorce from
Pooch. The last real coop member was ..... Laurenn Roland if you
really want to be precise. Your memory ends when you went to NYC but
the coop living at 45 Colorado did not. We also hosted house guests
from Germany, France, England, Swaziland and Sweden just to name a
few. Film crews from Germany lived in the house. I remember one
night when Dieter Marcello was reading 'toddler' Nic his bed time
story. The German speaking Marcello was reading a book written in
French and translating it into English for Nic. 45 Colorado was more
than a coop it was a melting pot and landing strip for the likes of
the European Left. From noted author Alexander Cockburn, film maker
Dieter Marcello, countless students from Swaziland just off the top
of my head. I am sure you have many more artists & musicians to add
to this list of short & long time visitors.
1972 - 1978 Members:
Lowell Boileau
Carol Septak
Bob Beckowitz
Dennis Pruss
Larry Abdulla
Peggy Feinman
- Kathy Kauflin
- Arthur Dale
- Jack Ward
- Doug Larkins
Stephen Goodfellow 1975 - 1983
Maria Miller
Lowell bought 45 Colorado in 1978,
but the spirit still lived on:
- Stephen Goodfellow
- Christopher King
Karen Schnabel
- Alan Franklin
- Lorrie LaPain
Ed Stuart
- Bernadette (Marachevski?)
- Tina Dyc
Jan Dean
- Susan Kramer - Lowell's wife
- Caroline Thackara
- Laurenn Rowland
- Nicholas Boileau - Lowell's son