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ROSS, Peter Kalani

Monday, October 14, 2002



ROSS, Peter Kalani - Died October 7, 2002, by his own hand, after a long and courageous battle against the darkness. 
The much-cherished husband of Suzanne Schneider Ross for 16 years, Peter was born in Hawaii on September 8, 1953. 
He grew up in Detroit, MI, and graduated from Wayne State University. Peter was a curmudgeon of the old school; he had a wonderful persnickety dry sense of humor and was known especially for his kindness and generosity. He was a writer, and collector of 20th century arts for many years, but his most abiding passion was cats. 
Peter is predeceased by Bashtet, Colette and Moxie, and leaves behind Mookie. Peter is deeply mourned by parents, Don and Marilyn Ross, two brothers, David and Matthew, all of the Detroit area; a beloved sister and brother-in-law, Serena and Doug Crisan, of Hilton Head, NC. Peter leaves two nieces, five nephews, five step-children and 11 step-grandchildren. 
His dear friends include Michael and Beth Miller and John and Toni McCormick, all in Michigan; Dr. Tyrone Williams, of Cincinnati, OH, and Philip Colechin of London. In Novato, CA, Peter will be deeply missed by his beloved friend and antiquing partner, Constance Bassil. 
Peter is deeply mourned by Brad and Lee Anne and Olivia Rosenstein of Walnut Creek, CA, and Susan and Charles Kalish of San Francisco. Peter volunteered for several years at Raphael House, a shelter for homeless families of San Francisco, where a prayer service will be held at 5 p.m., Wednesday, October 16: call Carol Field, 415-345-7265. Memorial donations please send to SPCA, 2500 16th St. San Francisco, CA, 94103. 
Private celebrations of Peter's life will be held in San Francisco, CA, Detroit, MI and Philadelphia, PA. Cremation services were kindly handled by Pacific Interment of San Francisco.

Funeral directory - Detroit Free Press & News - October 10, 2002:

ROSS,PETER KALANI, Age 49, died October 6, 2002 in San Francisco. Husband of Suzanne Schneider Ross. Son of Donald and Marilyn Ross of Pleasant Ridge. Brother of David, Matthew and Serena (Doug) Crisan. Uncle of Drew, Zachary and Stephanie Crisan of Hilton Head, SC, and Natalie and Julian Ross of St. Clair Shores. Nephew of Richard (Jane) Ruzumna and Michael and Lynne Hirschelman. Memorial service will be held in the near future.

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Death by suicide - Peter shot himself after years of increasingly horrific depression
Reference:  Suzanne Schneider