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Frank Smitka

I took the first four at the New Miami Bar circa 1980.

This is the legendary Vancouver punk band DOA. The lead singer in the black shirt is Joseph Keithley, aka Joey Shithead.
He played at the Miami and the Willis Show Bar and also did some work with Rock Against Racism.-
He is still with DOA and active in politics, running for the British Columbia Legislative Assembly as a Green Party candidate.

That one photo is not a fight, just some young men dancing to DOA music.

I shot the next two photos in 1980 on Cass and Henry.

You can see the old Majestic Grill in the background.

A photo of the Old Miami when it was "New".

Night shot of Cass and Forest.

Wedding picture.......Layabouts, wives. Lisa Smitka, and my late brother, Bill.

I hope you like the pictures.............Frank Smitka