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Michael Roper
| Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 - 2:46 am: | |
Charlie McCord, onetime bartender at Cobb's was a camera buff and took a lot of pictures at the bar in the early through the mid 70s. If anyone could locate him,he may have a stash. I have an 8-track tape of the Bobby Mc Donald Trio from 1976. There are a lot of guests sitting in including Bob Jezuski The sax playing mailman who regularly sat in(often in his postal uniform). I haven't heard it in 25 years and don't even know how I could transfer it to another media. Any ideas? I'll bet Laura McGuire would love to hear this one. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 - 10:45 am: | |
WoW!!! If you can get me a copy, I'll convert it into an audio file and place it on the site on a page dedicated to Bobby. Today I'm heading over to Stuart Shevin, who's cut me a CD of Bill Hodgson songs recorded at Alvins in 1981. I'll see if I can hunt down Charlie McCord. |
tom hagerty
| Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 5:21 pm: | |
For a few months in the spring of 1976 my friend Mike Roper took pity on me and hired me to collect the $1 cover charge on nights when the Bobby McDonald Trio or Shadowfax played Cobb's. I think he paid me in Heinekens and cashews. Lots of excellent music both nights. Somewhere in the archives I have a tape I recorded of Bob McDonald w/ Shadowfax from March 1976. Among other gems Bob sings "That's When Your Heartaches Begin." I also recorded the 1976 Bob McDonald Trio tape Mike Roper mentions in an earlier post. I remember dragging in my Advent casette deck and setting up twin microphones. Someone spilled a drink on the deck and it was never the same. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Friday, June 01, 2001 - 10:03 am: | |
Hi Tom, I'm just putting the finishing touches of Bill Hodgson and David O'Paddick at Alvins - placing thirteen songs on the site in streaming RealAudio. It's not the best quality, but perhaps when the bandwidth grows I'll place them in MP3 I'd LOVE to place your recordings! I will of course give credit on the page, with a click-thru to your email or your web site, if you have one. I can record from cassette tape, DAT and CD. |
| Posted on Thursday, December 19, 2002 - 3:29 pm: | |
What's the status of the Bobby Mcdonald tape from 1976? I've never heard him play , but after hearing the Shadowfax and Hodgson audio files , I'm up for more "sounds of the corridor'. Steve ( a total stranger who happens to be impressed and fascinated by this website) |
David Brzezinski
| Posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2004 - 12:31 pm: | |
I have a couple of photos I took inside Cobbs Corner of music during the 1970's. I will scan them and send them to you if you like. |
| Posted on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 4:24 pm: | |
I can't be the only one who remembers Tabu who lived in the basement of 633 Prentis (The Dubois) sometime in the 70's. One memorable Halloween party at Cobbs, he wore a phallus costume which covered his entire body except for his feet. |
Laura McGuire/Freeman
| Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 4:21 pm: | |
I remember Taboo well! He used to give you the evil eye at Cobb's when he was in his cups, but he was a really sweet, albiet messed up, guy. He could dance like one of those 'exotic dancing girls' in a 1950s movie--and did. I think they barred him from a lot of clubs for hassling people. The last time I saw him was 20 years ago coming out of george's store on third with his hair all in pin curls and he didn't look too great, but who knows? |
Jim Niskanen
| Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2005 - 10:26 am: | |
I've got a whole evening of 4-track reel-to-reel tape (two sets) at Cobb's recorded August 1973. All the Shadowfax crew, including Bobby McDonald. I live in Temecula, CA area, and I hope to have these mixed down in L.A. later this summer to a stereo digital format. I've got an L.A. friend(ex-Detroiter) who has some studio connections, and says he is willing to donate some studio time for the project. I'll keep you posted on progress. Jim Niskanen |
Stephen Goodfellow (Admin)
Username: Admin
Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Thursday, September 08, 2005 - 1:04 am: | |
Jim, Send me a copy. I'll place some MP3's on the site. Email me. |
karen bradford
| Posted on Friday, February 10, 2006 - 11:54 am: | |
Looking for doorman/bouncer/musician "George" late 70's to early 80's. |
Ben Ross
| Posted on Monday, July 17, 2006 - 12:20 am: | |
I remember playing a freezing date with wille warren & the brush st blues band the first date of the band before little george jackson joined. the wind blew through the walls. I only remember the feel of those dates a friday and sat probably in Feb of about 82 |
Paul Regan
| Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2006 - 9:41 pm: | |
I used to play chess at Cobb's and there was an older guy there I could never beat. We played for beers and he said when I beat him he would come to my house to play, until then I had to play at his..Cobb's. I never did beat him and I was a good player. I think he may have been homeless too. E Palmer Co-op 1975 |
Kris Peterson
| Posted on Monday, November 20, 2006 - 2:34 pm: | |
Were getting to November 25, Henry's birthday. I always get wierd this time of year. I will go to the cemetary and talk to him for a few minutes. I will tell him again that he was the only man that I have ever loved. I'll clean up his grave and bring him a red rose. Damn, he's still dead. What a drag. He was so beautiful....and so smart....and so good. Crazy guy. I wish he would have told me. I would have driven him right out of town. Hey, guys. What's happening? Kris Peterson |
Johnboy corky
| Posted on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 - 9:46 pm: | |
Anyone with tapes from the past needent go through a lot of trouble to get them to new media. You have a PC, and an Aux. input, now get 'Audacity" (free) ant git yo stuff to MP3s or whatever. Even an adult can do it. All my old 8traks an cassetts are on CD's. h00p:// Then send em to Stephen.
Stephen Goodfellow (Admin)
Username: Admin
Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Thursday, January 18, 2007 - 7:13 pm: | |
Send 'em - I'll place them on the site. |
still me
| Posted on Saturday, March 17, 2007 - 5:46 am: | |
man i loved reading this stuff i almost can't respond. where the hell is everybody? is life going to last forvever? |
Stephen Goodfellow (Admin)
Username: Admin
Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 11:06 am: | |
Start with who you are, then follow it with some of your experiences :-) |
Mike Sadaj
| Posted on Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 2:05 pm: | |
Does anyone remember a guy named Carlisle? He hung around Cobb's Corner all the time. He was a poet and a pretty good one at that. Use to sell his poetry for some booze and "horse" when he could. Walked around with a large, yellow envelope with his poetry in it. Mostly got riped off from publishers for sure and patrons, too. I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to him. |
Norman Weingarden
| Posted on Wednesday, May 16, 2007 - 10:37 am: | |
Hello to all of you. I find it amazing that the published memories here don't include Bob Cobb , who made your memories possible, or Charlie Cobb who's artwork was so graphic and yet sophisticated. Thanks to all of you that were a part of the experience and I hope that the social revolution is still alive within you. I'm still a Social Libertarian Capitalist and glad that I had the opportunity to contribute my energy to the Artist's Workshop, The 5th Estate, The Sun, The Grandee, The Psychedelic Rangers, Plum Street, etc.. I miss all of you, the wonderful people. |
Stephen Goodfellow (Admin)
Username: Admin
Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Monday, May 21, 2007 - 12:09 am: | |
Hi Norman. Attach some of Bob Cobb's art work - I'll place it on the site. |
Diana Bonner
| Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 6:32 pm: | |
I had an art show at Cobbs corner when Ron Williams was involved with that. He is a very nice person. I never knew that he started the Metro Times. Is that right? Cobb's was a little dark and a little drunk to be a very good art gallery, but what the heck; I had nothing better to do. I also had an art show above Altiers with a few friends. That was so much fun. Professor Emeritus Wayne Andrews came and was absolutely entertained. |
judy kroll
| Posted on Monday, April 28, 2008 - 6:39 am: | |
Hi--I remember Tabu very well, a wild character! I lived at 633 Prentis with Francie Lyshak, and was also friends with Rick Morrison. Francie is in NY, a painter and art Therapist. WHere are Jeannie and Muscle Don and Hayah on this site?? |
judy kroll
| Posted on Monday, April 28, 2008 - 6:42 am: | |
Hi--Judy here again: I have been living with Terry Epton, another Prentis person, since 1976. He is in touch with Corky (Cordell Michilak) who is married to Bob Michilak, and lives in the Irish Hills, after living on Selden for many decades. |
Valerie LaLonde
| Posted on Sunday, July 26, 2009 - 4:59 am: | |
I am originally from Michiagn, born and raised on Lake Huron in Essexville. I was a young nurse in Fergus Falls, MN where Fred Server, the poet was a resident at a nursing home there.(around 1976) He was a zany, wonderful elder and maintained his raw eating lifestyle and exercise. If I remember correctly, he passed on while living in MN. I just happened to find the picture of him on your site and had to add my 2 cents. I will dig in my pics, as I have photos of him from those yrs. (I also have his poetry books...he made us all buy them ) |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - 12:45 pm: | |
I would love to see photos of Fred The Poet (as we called him back then). I still wonder if he was the inspiration of R.Crumb's Mr. Natural (did Crumb live in the CC before or after the introduction of Mr. Natural?). When I moved to Howell, my neighbor mentioned that there was this "kookie" guy named Fred that went to (Howell) high school with him (back in the 40s I think). He said that Fred would do handstands and yoga around the town square. I thought he sounded a lot like Fred The Poet ... so I asked if he knew his last name .... It was Server !!! |
Don Cooper
| Posted on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 - 1:24 pm: | |
I was one of the drummers for Peaches,a Wed. night blues/jazz outfit with an open mike type format featuring Bobby McDonald who could coax sound out of that ratty ass spinet like no one else,Pete Zangara guitar and vocals,Bob Scarff tenor sax and Tony Diorio on bass most of the time.The crowds were always enthusiastic and you never knew who might stroll in ready to blow the windows out and if they weren't ready Bobby wouldn't hesitate to let em know. It was all great fun. |