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Main Page pictures, 2009

Alvins Bar rides again!
Click for more pictures

Rene & Alvin - France, 2009

To some of us, the man on the right is as close to a god as one can get. Alvin Stilman's creation, coined in his own name, laid down the foundation for what was to become the central gathering place for the artists, musicians, poets and armchair revolutionaries of the Cass Corridor.
"Alvin's" was an institution that long survived its creator's ownership. Within the Corridor, the importance of this establishment cannot be overestimated. Every band that played in the Corridor played at one time or another at Alvins, or its later back-of-building-manifestation, "The Twilight Bar"
Alvin Stilman skipped out of Detroit in the 70's and migrated to the West Coast. He now spends his time between the West Coast and France (Tough life, guess someone's got to do it.) Thanks for everything, Alvin!

Picture by John Bruno

Corridor-Triber Barbara Henning's new novel,
"Thirty Miles to Rosebud"

Nick Medvecky in from the cold

From: Nick Medvecky

I've been back in Detroit for all of 22 days now.  For anyone who might be interested, I can be reached at:  6510 West Fort Street, Detroit, 48209; Home phone: 313-297-1277; Cell: 313-443-2972;
and e-mail at:

 I started this bit in 1990, 19 years ago--but who's counting?  I'll be looking for a job, hopefully in my former investigations capacity.  But beggars can hardly be choosers...  Best to all, NICK.



Compliments of Jack Ward

Click for larger picture and Karen's comment
David Snow & Becky Romaine at the Dally in the Alley, 2004 
Picture by Karen Tardiff
(Click for larger picture and Karen's comment)


Fighting to save the 4th St. Fair video

Mary and Dave - Cass Corridor individuals photo burst from Dennis Pruss

The Lords: Cass Corridor 1970's
Pictures sent by George Kerby - Anderson's Garden, The Lords:
*George "Carlos" Kerby, (guitar) Jim "Thunder" Thele (drums)
Rear (l-r): Kim "Snake" Berg (bass) Michael Knight, (guitar) Ralph "Speed-o" Koziarski(sax/woodwinds) Dennis "The Duke" Pruss (vocals)

Picture of Tony Williams, Justin & members of the the CCS & Alvin's tribe, among others, circa'76
(Click image for larger picture)

Compliments to Michael Portney for the picture



  Main Page pictures, 2008