Although located further downtown, South of the Corridor, Skip
Rasburry's "Stray Dog Saloon" was for a time one of the chief
watering holes for the Cass Corridor's local artists. Skip is
truly one of the Detroit's great cultural patrons. Artists
created murals on his walls, musicians performed.
Skipper's place exuded a wild, exciting atmosphere. It was a good
place to hang
Suffering from burnout and diminishing customers, Skipper closed the
place in 1992.
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Skipper's tribe:
Skip Rasburry -
Marvin Rieli
Sandy Zenisek
Jerome Ferretti
Stephen Goodfellow
Susan Sands
Carol Baker
Robert Hyde
Beth Hyde
Bill Clarence
Carl Lee
Chuck Owens
Ramona Williams
Claudia Steier
Gary Grimshaw
Dennis Preuss
Diana Alva
More to come...