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Stephen Goodfellow (Admin)
Username: Admin
Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 6:33 pm: | |
Peter Werbe sent me this attachment from someone using the handle 'artremedy20' (See more on front page of CorridorTribe) This person writes: "I got to talk with Ron Allen shortly before his final health crisis. It was a great telephone conversation. It was always special to be talking with Ron. I got his updated address and was going to mail him some “packages.” He was hopeful that he’d be able to visit Detroit in September. There are plans afoot to publish a new book of his poetry and (hopefully) stage one of his plays here. Then, I heard that he was in the hospital, in very serious condition. Then, two days ago, he died, made the transition into that other world. My condolences to Ron’s family and to all his friends and to those who worked with him. I first remember Ron from the old Horizons in Poetry series in the 1980′s. Readings were often (always?) at the old Cobb’s Corner bar at Cass and Willis in Detroit. It also went be the name of H.I.P. I recall that poet John Mason was one of his collaborators on this project. Since then, I saw Ron do numerous readings and performances. The ones at Galerie Jacques, in Ann Arbor stood out. Ron and I were both good friends with the proprietor, the late Jacques Karamanoukian. Later, I worked with Detroit’s Zeitgeist Gallery and Performance Venue. They staged a number of Ron’s plays. He often worked with John Jakary in this regard. I also saw Ron’s plays performed at other venues in Detroit. He was such a unique writer and spirit. He’ll be missed, yet some of us will continue to try to make his work visible and to stage his plays."
Tyrone Williams
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2010 - 12:44 pm: | |
Ron was one of the heroic figures of the Cass Corridor in the Seventies and Eighties. He had a wicked sense of humor--we traded verbal sallies many times--and was insatiably curious, a true seeker. He only talked to me once or twice about the impact his war experiences had on him but they clarified, for me, his poetry, his ethos, his sense of his humanity. We only spoke by phone after he moved to L.A. Like others I was looking forward to seeing him in Detroit this summer or fall (reading for Kim and James in their Woodward Lines Series). Ive missed Ron for years, always hoping I'd see him again. Now I simply miss him. |
Maurice Greenia, Jr.
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2010 - 2:36 pm: | |
Hi, that was me "art remedy", Maurice. Yes quite a loss. Ron was one of a kind and a great kind it was. I'd written about Mick Vranich in my blogs as well.
Stephen Goodfellow (Admin)
Username: Admin
Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 - 12:34 pm: | |
Thom Jurek passed this along... Here is the official news on Ron Allen's passing: Aurora Harris August 15 at 11:41am Reply (please direct people to see my facebook notes or share this in your email lists. thank you) Dear Friends, I just returned from Idlewild, MI late last night. Although some of Ron's friends called his assistant Peter, shortly after Ron was disconnected from life support, and, Peter called people in Detroit to tell them that Ron passed away, and, emails and phone calls and facebook messages were posted by others, I had to wait to release any information until I spoke to Ron's family members. With respect to Ron Allen's family and their grief at this time, I had to wait until THE ALLEN FAMILY provided an official statement ( s ) regarding the transition of Ron Allen to be released to the public and press. From Aurora Harris: Sunday August 15, 2010 AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM CARL ALLEN, RON ALLEN'S BROTHER Per Carl Allen, Ron's brother, Detroit Poet and Playwright Ron Allen passed away within ten minutes, after he was removed from life support was removed last Tuesday at Cedar Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, CA. The funeral will be held in or near Detroit. Funeral arrangements are pending. Carl stated that he and Peter (Ron's assistant), the Buddhist monks, and many people who love Ron prayed, chanted, sang, spoke to, hugged, and kissed Ron before he transitioned. The Allen family expresses thanks for everyone's outpouring of love. The Allen Family requests that any and all persons up to and including publishers, editors, directors, poets, playwrights, script writers, friends, and collaborators who have possession of Ron Allen's poetry, plays, or screenplays that are either works in progress or in completed form, in part or in whole, are to stop work immediately until further notice. Aurora Harris, per the Allen Family |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - 10:54 pm: | |
The best thing I can say about those H.I.P. days, is that so many people told me they never liked poetry until they attended a H.I.P. reading! As for myself, I loved stopping my pool game at Cobb's to listen to those readings - what a pleasure! Ron was a pal to me and a friend. He was: My New Year's Eve date the year I didn't have one (whatever year that was), when he took me to his cousin's (?) private party on the Eastside; a chum I went to the Concert of Colors with; an ear when I felt like talking (barside at the Old Miami); and another welcome, friendly face attending my show at Gregg's gallery on Cass, a few years after I had moved to SDakota... and on and on! I'm happy to have known him for almost 30 years. I'm glad, also, that he was supported by other Buddhists at his time of passing. When Robin called me at the farm last night to tell me of his passing, I said the Buddhist Bardo Prayer for Ron. My version of the Bardo, by the way, was given to me by P'arang (the founding teacher/monk at Still Point in Detroit) and it's a beautiful version - if any Corridorites would like me to email them a copy, I'd be happy to! I am leaving my 'work' email... |
Maurice Greenia, Jr.
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 5:43 pm: | |
Over the past few days, Detroit said goodbye to him. Sunday, there was a public memorial for Ron Allen at Hart Plaza (as part of the African World festival). People read his poetry, their own work inspired by Ron and other remembrances. It was well attended and included some strong and magical "testimonials." That day, his body was on view at the funeral home. Yesterday was the funeral. I got there late, due to my ride falling through and having to bus it. What I saw was very unique. There was a mix of Christian and Buddhist "ritual and farewell." There were people there I hadn't seen in awhile. There were a lot of friends and family present. Today, they took his coffin to the cemetary for his final resting. I had to work and wasn;'t able to attend that. At the Hart Plaza memorial I mentioned Ron's love of old Doo Wop music. Then once, I ran into him just after he got out of the hospital and was walking home. I walked with him for awhile and we talked.
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010 - 3:27 pm: | |
I am so grateful to be here to share with my old friends in BIG D and new ones in toronto. I was almost there myself and should know some people's time is complete and others have more to say. So let's get on with it, Big Dally in the Alley evry week and Kris we'll sing duets, hey girl I know all the words. |
| Posted on Friday, July 08, 2011 - 10:47 am: | |
That's not just the best aswner. It's the bestest answer! |
| Posted on Sunday, November 20, 2011 - 9:32 pm: | |
Good point. I hadn't thuohgt about it quite that way.  |