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Front Pages 2012

Dave Riddle, 1942-2012
Photo by Daymon J. Hartley


Cynthia Vann writes:
Ben Snow died on Feb 3rd., 2012.
He was David Snow's brother and a well-known Cass Ave fellow (we went to WSU and lived at Cass & Seldon).

Any comments, eulogies about Ben, please place them here.

Dawn Livingston writes:

Diane Livingston died on 1/18/12

Diane Livingston, 1979

I'm sad to say that my older sister Diane Livingston died on January 18, 2012, most likely of a heart attack. She was 64. Diane majored in art at Wayne State in the 60's, and was active in the art & music scene.

After college, Diane took off for San Francisco, working odd jobs. One stint was running the light show at the Fillmore. I remember her returning to Grosse Pointe with vinyl by newcomers Dylan, Joplin, Jefferson Airplane. I was duly impressed by her and this new music.
In the early 70's, we shared a flat on infamous 4th Street, and I met many of her very cool friends. (You know who you are!)
In the late 70's Di joined me in Los Angeles, where she worked for Van Halen in their heydey, touring with them. She returned to Michigan, proofreading for a publishing company and Metro Times. She spent her last decade in a small farming town in southern Illinois, where our cousins cared for her.

We will have a memorial service for Diane when our parents return to Michigan this summer. Her Detroit friends plan to have a get-together before then. We'll post details.

Any comments, eulogies about Ben, please place them here.

Michael Kruger writes:
I got a call on Sat. about the passing of an ex-Fourth st., Casscorridor resident Barb Fannon. She and her husband Leo Petrauskas were longtime residents of Fourth st. in the 70's & 80's and then wound up moving th Highland Park. They lived on a house on florence, W. of Woodward until moving out to Davisburgh, Mi about 4-5 yrs. ago.

Any comments, eulogies about Ben, please place them here.

Erica Chappuis writes:

I bear the sad news that Harry Kingswell, mentioned previously on your Tribes site, suffered a stroke and has passed away at St. John's Hospital in Detroit. A memorial service will be held at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial on Monday at 11 am.

Henry attended Wayne State University, was co-author of Metro Detroit guide, and was a journalist at the Free Press for many years. He also assisted Edie "Frankie" Parker Kerouac with her papers regarding her husband, Jack Kerouac. He spent his winters in San Miguel d'Allende and his summers at Torch Lake and enjoyed life despite of a disabling stroke he suffered in Guatemala in the 1980s.

More memories will be shared at the memorial service.

Any comments, eulogies about Ben, please place them here.

Via The Detroit Free Press, writer Brian McCollum informs us that Mike Kelley, a founding member of Destroy All Monsters, an art collective and band that formed in 1973, has died in an apparent suicide. Kelley was found dead Tuesday at his home in South Pasadena, Calif., according to reports. He was 57. Go here for more information in the Free Press article.

Mike Kelley, second from left, with the other founding members of Detroit art-rock group Destroy All Monsters -- Niagara, left, Cary Loren and Jim Shaw, far right -- at a 2011 reunion in Los Angeles. / Rick Manore

Any comments, eulogies about Ben, please place them here.

Update! If true, fantastic news! Michael Shallal writes in FaceBook:
"...1515 Broadway has been saved! The coffee house and community center is no longer under the threat of a foreclosure eviction. In response to tremendous pressure from the community, Citgroup has reached an agreement with Chris Jaszczak, that will keep 1515 Broadway alive and functioning under his control and ownership. The coalition consisting of Moratorium NOW! Coalition, People Before Banks Coalition, Occupy Detroit, and Occupy Our Homes, thanks all those who called and emailed Citigroup demanding that the eviction be stopped and expressing your strong support and determination to keep this unique community center open. The community support was key to this victory. The Rally scheduled for this Thursday will now be a community gathering to celebrate this victory and the fact that 1515 Broadway will continue to serve as a community space..."

Stand by for further news!*

* This was in fact confirmed by the all-knowing Ron Williams, former owner of the Metro Times. Thak you, Ron.

Chris Jaszczak's 1515 Broadway eviction threatened by Citibank!
Article by Ron Williams here and by Michael Jackman here

community gathering to celebrate this victory and the fact
that 1515 Broadway will continue to serve as a community space

Thursday, January 26
6:00 P.M.
1515 Broadway


Picture shamelessly lifted from Ron Williams' site



(The Motor City) "Monster Slayers" 1980's

1984, Janice Mae Pope, Sylvia Inwood, Mel Krugel and Basil Balkany playing Bass at Cobbs Corner

Picture compliments of Janice Mae Pope

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